My Take After the Democratic Convention

I saw the Democratic convention this week. It got a bit repetitious at times, but the messages were clear. The nominee did not slur, mince, or fumble over words. He did not repeat himself or praise himself. He spoke of healing and moving the nation forward.
I know as many Democrats as Republicans. Not ONE of them wants to allow illegal immigrants to vote. When you look back, Obama deported millions without fanfare or braggadocio. No one wants to get rid of the police force in any community. That is an absurd, divisive assumption. Money can be used to bolster education of the problematic people so they will not transgress the law and flood the prisons. More can be spent on training to officers on the beat, not to eliminate them. In this day of instant phone movies, the very, very few hot headed officers will have been trained to have more control of their emotions so as not to suffer undue reprimand. Not one Democrat wants to repeal the 2nd amendment. They own guns too, have served in the armed forces, and know how to use them. Like automobile safety, they only want the vehicle (or guns) to be safe enough to be on the streets without harming others, (or many dozens with one weapon). Laws were made by BOTH parties to set up safety commissions and proper training, as well as legal restrictions as to what cars may be on the road and who is eligible to drive. We all know that cars don’t kill people- people kill people. Sound familiar? May I assume that everyone wants a safer society? Look past divisive rhetoric and come together, people!
Last time I looked, Joe Biden was not the president. The marches, riots and divisive unrests were not on his watch. They seem to have come from a massive frustration towards the government in power and its inhumane handling of people by police forces. He spoke of bringing the people of all races, creeds and colors together. It seems a somewhat radical switch from the current views. Quite a lofty goal, but as we all know, there must be a first step.
He was not president when the pandemic broke out, and was given no audience by the executive branch to consult on the travesty. Blaming him or previous administrations is simply ludicrous. If history can be a teacher, during his tenure in office, other novel viruses broke out and were stemmed relatively quietly and quickly, with no massive death counts or pandemonium permeating the masses.
Two thirds of government is controlled by the Republicans. I’m not sure how blame can consistently be placed on the minority. History again- right or wrong- generally places events in an administration the responsibility of the sitting president. Fact check that if you wish. I may add that every administration has done some things beneficial to the country and the current one is no exception. The inherited growing economy has prospered even more in the area of the markets and a new agreement may be in the works for the UAE and Israel. That is not a major breakthrough, but positive progress nonetheless. More will be brought up in the Republican convention. In this election I ask: Is the harm greater than the benefits? Something to ponder. As in previous years, the battle cries are still “Are you better today than 4 years ago?” If so, then the fear of what many see as havoc, uncertainty, hunger, despair, lack of health insurance, unemployment and homelessness may continue, while countless others will be content with the status quo. If you feel the country is not better now than 4 years ago, changes will be coming. There will be a retooling for climate change. It is no different from the transition from horse and buggy to automobile. Most blacksmiths that pounded all the horseshoes had to find a new vocation. Society had to convert dirt roads to paved. New jobs were created from the advancement of technology and science. Better jobs in the long run, from engineers to higher paid workers. Today, we cannot even imagine how we could be without the auto. We cannot be stagnant or we will perish. We cannot live with the past filth and waste and ignore the new, clean and improved living alternatives. The old ways served us well, but it is time to move forward. The economy will thrive because of it. Do not be afraid of positive change, embrace it. It is change that brought us the technology, more comfortable living conditions and freedoms we enjoy today.
The new societal changes will also bring a new look at your neighbors. This, unfortunately, will take many years. Generations of racism and brain washed outlooks on races and religions cannot be erased overnight or in just 4 years. It is amazing that the world’s finest melting pot of humans has survived this long. We hopefully have seen the worst side of it and the consequences cost hundreds of thousands of lives over the years. Let us not move in reverse, but continue the mending. It may take a generation, but we can lead by example today and soon again become the beacon of freedom the world has come to expect and admire.
There is so much more, but I will stop here. In my lifetime I have split my voting record between Republican and Democrat, even once voting independent. I have seen both candidates in action and will watch the Republican convention. I can only hope there will be less bashing and more substance. I am sure the highlights of his first term will be accentuated, and I would like to hear the new plans. Biden has a very good track record, but of course, with a few decisions he admittedly would like to retract. Thing is, he has been in public service for decades, not 3 years. He owns up to his past shortcomings. He moves onward and now, upward. We do not want any more unsubstantiated theories or accusations which could look very messy in fact finding circles. That will certainly hurt a candidate’s chances for victory.
If we are a union, let our leaders act like it, promote it and live it. My vote is for unity. Let us bring an end to what eerily feels like a civil war.

Updated: August 22, 2020 — 7:46 am

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